Thursday, March 2, 2017

ILP Design- Edmodo

For my ILP assignment I created an Edmodo account. I believe this is a great tool to have because it's an active feed, like twitter, but it can also hold different folders and tabs to put important information in. I want to be a 2nd grade teacher and my main communication is going to have to go through the parents. This way the parents can go on Edmodo and find exactly what they need.

First I created a set of tabs inside my group:
Comments and Concerns would be a place for parents to post questions they might have and be an active community where all the parents can talk and I can also go on there and answer certain questions by commenting on their original post. Helpful Game websites is a place I would post good websites I think would benefit the students to use if they need any extra help on the lesson we are learning in class. In homework assignments, I will be posting an electronic copy of the homework so if a student forgot it at school or if they want to redo the assignment to study for the test later on, there will be a blank copy for them to print out. Lastly there is school calendar. This would be where I put all the events the school maybe having or any events that are happening in my classroom, from a test date to a class party. This is extremely important information for parents with younger kids to keep track of.

I've already made two post on my group intro page:

One post is a link to my website that I'm working on and another link is to my active twitter account!

Then I started working on my personal profile so parents can learn more about me:

I have a picture of me, where I graduated college from, what my degree type is and degree title is, the year I started teaching, a little "about me" paragraph, and a link to my twitter account again.

Lastly, I put a quick layout of the days and times my class has extra activities like PE, music, Spanish, art, lunch, and recess. I also uploaded four different types of websites I think will help my students learn and have fun all throughout the year. (These are different that "helpful website games" because they aren't for particular lessons or chapters I am teaching at the time. These websites can be used whenever through out the year.):

Go create an account and use my group code to join my class!:
Group Code: 

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