Tuesday, April 18, 2017

ILP #3 (Participation Point)

Category 2: Design
Prezi.... But actually google doc!

This is a PowerPoint Presentation that I made and had to present to my EDF 1005 class! Very Proud of it... Hope you enjoy as much as my class did!


ILP #2

For my second ILP I decided to complete a Lynda.com tutorial. I had never heard of this website before and now I am so glad that I have. This seems like a super helpful website that you can find informational videos on what seems like every subject! I decided to watch a 47 minute video on "Creative Thinking". It was very informative and gave lots of background on what creative thinking is, why it is useful, ways to go about going it, and teaching you how to use it individually or in a group through 3 different lessons.

What really made this website help to me is that there were neat tools like having a transcript of what was being said in the video underneath the video, and it was interactive. As the video was talking that line in the transcript was being highlighted. I found this as a great tool and way to say focus and concentrate. Another thing I liked in the video is that it had pictures and drawings at certain points. This was helpful because sometimes you get bored of watching on guy just talking at you the whole time!

As I watched the video, I took a page of notes per section. Check them out!

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Blog #10

I think I could use data collection to see how parents and my students are feeling. I can send out surveys at different points in the year to make sure the parents understand what I'm doing, to see how they are feeling about my methods, and even put in an open response part for them to leave comments or concerns. I could also have my students fill out a survey after I taught a section of material or before a test. This way I can see how they are feeling about the material, if I need to cover anything in particular a little extra, or see in the future that I need to change my methods of teaching because they aren't understand something.

I think my favorite part about having to do the blog post, and what I found to be the most interesting part, was seeing all the different opinions and ways my classmates were taking in from the same thing I was looking at. I got to see different sides of a discussion that I hadn't thought of myself. I also really enjoyed being able to see everyones work through screenshots. I was a great way to make it more interactive and personal.

The next technology-related skill I would like to learn is how to master the smart board. This will be the biggest technology based thing I use in my Elementary School classroom. I understand how to do the basics on it, but I know there is so much more to it, and probably secret tricks and tools to help me get the information out to my students in the best way possible. I hope that once I get into more upper level Education classes they might teach this because it is something that almost every classroom has now a days. But if that doesn't happen, once I am hired at a school, I will definitely go to another teacher who has experience or the tech guy of the school and ask for help!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Blog Post #9

Flipped Classroom is basically the opposite way of teaching than what most students are use to. Instead of the teacher giving the lesson in class and sending the students home with homework and projects to help them put what they've learned in class that day to use, it is the switched. The student's "homework" would be listening to the teacher's lesson online somehow, and then the next day in class, in groups or independently, students would work on homework, projects, activities, etc. going over the lesson they were suppose to watch. This has many negative and positives to it. For example, a positive would be a student being able to get as much help from the teacher as possible during an assignment or project because they are in the same room. A negative could be if a student doesn't watch the lesson for the night, it really ruins the purpose of the activity or homework for the next day. A good video to explain this concept is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojiebVw8O0g

Open source is "denoting software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified". This means that it is open for anyone to use and modify. This is helpful because it makes it a collaborative effort. People can learn from each other and use it to build on their own knowledge. This website is a neat tool concerning this topic: https://opensource.com

I had a chance to refresh my memory by the first PowerPoint assignment and learned a lot of new skills with the second assignment. I really enjoyed learning how to make a PowerPoint interactive. I feel that this is something that will differently come in handy when I start to teach. It is a great way to get kids excited about learning because they are interactively playing along and it is something different that not a lot of teachers do! I differently don't like the recording aspect of PowerPoint and really don't see myself ever using that tool.

