Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Blog Post #9

Flipped Classroom is basically the opposite way of teaching than what most students are use to. Instead of the teacher giving the lesson in class and sending the students home with homework and projects to help them put what they've learned in class that day to use, it is the switched. The student's "homework" would be listening to the teacher's lesson online somehow, and then the next day in class, in groups or independently, students would work on homework, projects, activities, etc. going over the lesson they were suppose to watch. This has many negative and positives to it. For example, a positive would be a student being able to get as much help from the teacher as possible during an assignment or project because they are in the same room. A negative could be if a student doesn't watch the lesson for the night, it really ruins the purpose of the activity or homework for the next day. A good video to explain this concept is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojiebVw8O0g

Open source is "denoting software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified". This means that it is open for anyone to use and modify. This is helpful because it makes it a collaborative effort. People can learn from each other and use it to build on their own knowledge. This website is a neat tool concerning this topic: https://opensource.com

I had a chance to refresh my memory by the first PowerPoint assignment and learned a lot of new skills with the second assignment. I really enjoyed learning how to make a PowerPoint interactive. I feel that this is something that will differently come in handy when I start to teach. It is a great way to get kids excited about learning because they are interactively playing along and it is something different that not a lot of teachers do! I differently don't like the recording aspect of PowerPoint and really don't see myself ever using that tool.



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